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Apr 30, 2009

Salt Challenge - Perseverance

Our Salt Challenge this week is from Hazel. Please take a minute to read her thoughtful write-up on the Salt blog. The verse we used this week is Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

As I sat and thought about what to make for this challenge I began thinking of people that I've had the pleasure of knowing over the years, people who have endured hardships and trials, who have "run the race" faithfully. Then I decided to make a card to encourage someone who I know is currently enduring. Often, just knowing someone is praying for you is such a comfort and helps you to continue on.

The stamps used are from Innovative Stamp Creations who so generously contributed to our door prizes at Stamp New England. Betsy was so sweet to add send this set for me to try out and I'm so sorry it took me this long! The set is called Delicate Roses and it's just beautiful! I went monochromatic which is something I don't do very often but I thought it would work well with these delicate roses. The sentiment is from Tag Lines by Gina K Designs - the perfect one for this card!

Please go see what the other dt members have done on the Salt blog and also on their own blogs. Have a wonderful day!

Cardstock: Vintage Cream, Sweet Blush (Papertrey Ink), Stamps: Delicate Roses (Innovative Stamp Creations), sentiment from Tag Lines (Gina K Designs), Ink: Sweet Blush, Dark Chocolate (Papertrey Ink), Accessories: Dimesionals, Ribbon (Papertrey Ink), Nestabilities, Pearls (Stamping Bella), Liquid Pearls (Ranger),

Apr 29, 2009

Prettie Tall Peek Wednesday

Happy Prettie Wednesday! Today is also the first day of the sneak peeks for the Paper Pretties' release on May 1st - be sure to see all the details in yesterday's post.

Ok 2 weeks ago Danielle took it easy on us and challenged us to make a card that was not A2 sized (5.5" x 4.25"). I love making tall, skinny cards - it's just fun to change it up every now and then. So this card today is about 6" x 3" and it's using the brand new set Lady Liberty - to be released by Paper Pretties on May 1st! How cute is Sophia here?? LOVE her!! I also love the sentiments included - "Sweet Land of Liberty" with the awesome little US map - very cool, huh?! :)

Blurf around and check out what the other Prettie Girls came up with today - I'll bet you get a few more peeks too! Thanks so much for visiting, I really do appreciate it!!

Cardstock: Real Red (SU!), White (Papertrey Ink),Yellow & Blue (Bazzill), Patterned Paper: American Crafts, Stamps: Lady Liberty (Paper Pretties), Ink: Memento, Accessories: Brads (Pink Hedgehog Crafts), 1/2" circle punch, white gel pen, Corner Rounder Punch (SU!), Nestabilities, Copic Markers

Apr 28, 2009

Get Ready . . .

The Paper Pretties May release is just around the corner! We have such a big month too - a brand new stamp line is being unveiled and you will love it!! Check out a few details on The Paper Clip. In the meantime, sneak peeks start tomorrow for the other sets being released, Hola Chica, TWO new Sophias, and Rainy Day Friend will be re-released in RUBBAH. On Friday May 1st Paper Pretties will be having their monthly Stamping In Your Jammies party!! The party starts at 8pm EST and will last until 11pm. We will be issuing a challenge every hour so be sure to come and play along!!

And a release means it's time for another Cutie Pie contest!! You have until Thursday April 30th at 10pmEST to get your entries uploaded to the Cutie Pie gallery at the Paper Pretties website. The winner will not only get to call themselves a Cutie Pie, but they will also receive all the new release stamps!! You know you want to enter - go for it! :)

Ok, on to the card - Danielle does a fabulous job every week of issuing a challenge in the Forum for anyone to enter and win a $5.00 coupon for the Paper Pretties Boutique. Last week was such a cute sketch - even though it's late, I got a chance to play along! :)

I used the Stamp of the Month Club stamp for May, Make a Splash. You only have until Thursday, April 30 to sign up and receive it before it's public release in June. Check out all the details here. The sentiment is from Beach Bum.

Phew, that was a lot of information! Thanks for bearing with me. I'll be back tomorrow with a Prettie Wednesday Prettie Peek. :) Have a great day everyone!

Apr 27, 2009

You're the Key!

ETA: I completely spaced and didn't tell you all the BIG news in the Kitchen today . . . we've added 3 fabulous stampers to the KSS Crew:

Connie McCotter at McStamipin Dusk 'til Dawn

Makiko Jones at Makink Studio

Lisa Somerville at Splendiferous Creations

You need to go check them out - it's always wonderful to add fresh talent and they sure are talented!! Welcome ladies! :) On a sad note, this is the last KSS Monday for Nicole as she will be a very busy lady getting her PhD! Best wishes Nicole - dont be a stranger!

Happy Monday - Kitchen Sink Stamps Monday to be specific! We had such a gorgeous, warm, sunny weekend here in Maine - beautiful!

I just got a brand-new-to-me KSS set, 3 Step Adornments and had to sit down and give it a try yesterday. What a fun set! These images are a little vintage-y and so beautiful! I found a tutorial for a 3x3 Notecard Box on SCS and thought it would pair nicely with this set. The patterned papers are all from Webster's Pages. This is a shot of the box from the top - as you can see I used the small lock image popping it up a bit so that I could tie a ribbon through it. The sentiment is pieced from Ready 4 Any Holiday and Mix It Up - Monograms & Alphabets.

The cards inside the box were quick and easy but with the pretty images in the 3 Step Adornment set they finish off the set nicely!

This set would make such a nice little gift for someone or save it and give the cards to your spouse - tuck them in his lunch for a nice surprise - although my dh doesn't even take a lunch so there goes that! :)

Please be sure to visit the other Kitchen Sink Stamps Crew members - I'm sure you'll get lots of inspiration today! :)

Maria, Lynn, Nicole, Tammy, Lori, Angela, Dee

Have a great day everyone!

Cardstock: Sweet Blush, Ripe Avocado, White (Papertrey Ink), Patterned Paper: Webster's Pages, Stamps: 3 Step Adornment, Ready 4 Any Holiday, Mix It Up Monograms & Alphabets (Kitchen Sink Stamps), Ink: Platinum Planet, Starlit Black (Brilliance), Desert Sand (Memento), Sweet Blush (Papertrey Ink), Cameo Coral (SU!), Accessories: Dew Drops (Poinsettia), Nestabilities, Ribbon (SU!- retired), Dimensionals

Apr 24, 2009

Clear Thanks

Good Afternoon!! I'm back with the promised new card! It is such a beautiful day here today though so I'll make this quick!

I wanted to try out some new clear cardstock I recently purchased and this gorgeous stamps set from Rubber Soul called Flower Shop. The neat thing is that the set has several different vases and plain stems and flower tops so that you can build all kinds of bouquets! The patterned paper is also from Rubber Soul, the diVine Collection.

After I had stamped the vase, I used a mask to stamp the flowers and then colored it with Copics. I used a Making Memories rub-on to add "Thanks" around the vase (although I should have started higher . . . oh well).

Check out all the pretty flower stamps Rubber Soul carries - with Spring finally arriving here in the Northeast I'm in the mood for flowers! :) Have a great weekend!

Cardstock: Clear Cardstock, White (Papertrey Ink), Patterned Paper: diVine Collection (Rubber Soul), Stamps: Flower Shop (Rubber Soul), Ink: Memento, Accessories: Ribbon (SU!), Nestabilities, Pearls, Dimensionals, Copic Markers, Button

Altered Notebook

Happy Friday! I never got around to posting yesterday and I still and working on something new but I found a project that I never got to share here. Several months ago I had the pleasure of hosting a VSN (virtual stamping night) challenge on SCS. As part of being a hostess you have the opportunity to participate in a Secret Sister exchange with one of the other hostesses. We were to send 2 cards over the course of the 2 months before VSN and then a small package of goodies by the actual event.

As part of the package I sent to my SS, I altered this notebook I had picked up on Michaels quite a while ago. I just love these American Craft papers and they worked so nicely with the pretty stamps from Unity Stamps!

Since the notebook was already red, it really was a quite and easy project - wouldn't you love a cute notebook like this to use for all your lists? I need to make one for myself! :) I just leave you with a couple different views of the finished project.

Have a great day my friends!

Apr 22, 2009

Prettie Techi Wednesday

Two weeks ago Jana challenged us to Try a New Technique - yikes!! When you procrastinate like me and don't make your card until the night before . . . oh boy it can get tough! :)

I did check out the technique page at SCS and decided upon Scratch and Sniff - what a cool technique and very easy!! I used the pie image from Sweets for the Sweet by Paper Pretties and made myself a yummy cherry pie! My children have recently discovered the joys of Kool-Aid so we had some black cherry in the cupboard to scent my card with. The finished size of the card is 4.5 x 4.25, a bit of a different size. Wouldn't it be cool to get a scented card in the mail?? Give it a try!

Take a spin around and visit the other Prettie Girls - can't wait to see what techniques they've chosen!

Have a Prettie day!!

Cardstock: Kraft, Ripe Avocado, White (Papertrey Ink), So Saffron (SU!), Patterned Paper: Ella (Cosmo Cricket), Stamps: Sweets for the Sweet, steam is from Look Who's Perky (Paper Pretties), Ink: Memento, Ranger Distress Ink , VersaMark pen, Accessories: Nestabilities, Ribbon (Kitchen Sink Stamps), Button (Foo Fa La), pinking shears, Dimensionals, Brads (Pink Hedgehog Crafts), Linen Thread, Copic Markers, Clear Emblossing Powder, Kool-Aid

Apr 21, 2009

Prettie ATC

Good Afternoon!! I'm so sorry to be late today! It was Emma's 7th birthday yesterday - we had lots of party prep to do and company for dinner & cake and ice cream. Plus I have a terrible head cold so when the guests were gone home and the children were tucked in bed I crashed and fell fast asleep until 7 a.m. today.

But enough whining . . . I decided to make an ATC for today since I really love making them. Something about the small canvas that makes it so challenging and fun! I used Flutterby Sophia from Paper Pretties - one of my favorite stamps. She is so cheery and cute! I colored her with Copics (the polkadots were done by using the Colorless Blender to remove color after the dress was colored pink - love that!). The sentiment was stamped on a thick piece of plastic (actually a stamp box) which was cut out using Nestabilities.

What do you think? Hope it was worth the wait! ;) I just realized that we're coming up to the end of the month . . . that means new releases from Paper Pretties are just around the corner on May 1st. Wait until you see what we have - totally fabulous!! See you tomorrow for another Prettie Wednesday!

Cardstock: Hibiscus Burst, Lemon Tart, White (Papertrey Ink), Patterned Paper: unknown, Stamps: Flutterby (Paper Pretties), Ink: Memento, Stazon, Accessories: Ribbon (Papertrey Ink), Swarovski crystals, Nestabilities, Copic markers, Shimmerz, Dimensionals, Yellow pearls

Stay Tuned . . .

I'll be back soon with my Paper Pretties post . . . sorry for the delay!! :)

Apr 20, 2009

Kitchen Sink Stamps Altered Rolodex

It's time for another fun Kitchen Sink Stamps Challenge!! I just love these days - challenges are so good for creative growth! Do you sometimes feel like you're in a stamping rut, or that you can't seem to think of something new? Take a look around and find a challenge to do - you will stretch and grow and I promise you will have fun!! And if you play along with our KSS Crew Challenges, you could WIN FREE STAMPS!! Who wouldn't like that??!! Get all the details here - you have 2 weeks to enter!

The challenge today is from Maria - the fabulous owner/designer of KSS! She challenged us to alter a rolodex or recipe card. We recently put a little rolodex in the kitchen near the phone - it's great for my oldest daughter to be able to look up grandparents and cousin's phone numbers when she needs them! But the thing is ugly for sure - so I took Maria's challenge and in a very short amount of time, had a pretty, colorful rolodex!

I used the Gerber daisy from the 3 Step Honey Bunny set to make some bright daisies and Mix It Up - Monograms & Alphabets to stamp "Contacts" and the letters on the tabs. Believe me when I say you can whip this up in just a few minutes - so easy yet so cheerful!! Much better than the standard blue rolodex don't you think?! :)

So, give it try - definitely can't hurt!! Be sure to see what the other Crew members made for today too!

Maria, Lynn, Nicole, Tammy, Lori, Angela, Dee

Apr 16, 2009

Salt Challenge - Sheep

Obviously I am running very late today . . . so sorry! Today's Salt challenge was given by Gina, please se her write up on the Salt blog.

As I thought about the topic of sheep in the Bible, so many thoughts came to mind . . . Psalm 23, reference to Jesus as the Good Shepherd, the parable of the lost sheep and others. But the verse I kept coming back to was John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." I love the "I know them" section! What a comfort and joy to know that our Heavenly Father knows His children! He knows what we need, when we need it, how we are feeling, what we are thinking, etc.

This phrase is followed however by, "and they follow me." Sheep are only safe when they are following their shepherd. When they stray away from their leader and wander off to "greener pastures" there is bound to be trouble! I'm so thankful for the guidance and protection of our Good Shepherd!

My card today uses the sheep stamps from Very Punny Valentine (Papertrey Ink). I used some natural cotton batting and cut out the sheep using the scalloped oval Nestabilities. The burlap was from an old rice bag I'm recycling, the fabric (which is hard to see behind the burlap) is from an old quilting project and the button is from my vintage stash (I love how it's very worn and old looking!)

Thanks for visiting today - please be sure to check out the Salt blog to see the rest of the DT's projects!

Cardstock: Black, Naturals Ivory (SU!), Patterned Paper: Debbie Mum (Joann's), Stamps: My Punny Valentine (Papertrey Ink), Ink: Black, Accessories: Burlap, fabric, sewing machine, button, ribbon (from My Favorite Things), verse was printed using LL Rubber Grotesque font from

Apr 15, 2009

Breaking News!

After our successful Stamp NE event last month, Kim Schofield and I decided that we'd like to host a few more stamping weekends! And while we're still working on exact dates and hotel locations, we are pleased to announce four more Stamping Around locations!!!

-Late June/early July - Connecticut (New Haven/Danbury area)
-August - Mid-West (St. Louis)
-September-Vermont (Manchester)
-Early November - Philadelphia

Specific hotels have not been finalized but this is where we need your help! Each event will follow a similar format/schedule to Portsmouth, although we are considering including a full day of exhibits on Friday. We anticipate that the cost would be in the $200-250 price range (double-occupancy) for the weekend. For an example of hotels we're considering, we would like to secure the Equinox Resort in Manchester, VT for our September event. If you are unfamiliar with the area or the Resort, please take a look at their website. This is a superb location and there are many wonderful amenities offered at the resort - what a fabulous girls getaway weekend or a nice time to spend away with your spouse!!

After selling out our Portsmouth event in four days we know the interest is high and many of you told us you would definitely attend future events! With each of these events, we must guarantee a minimum number of rooms and would like to open each city to 50-100 attendees. Therefore, we are looking for a response to gauge interest in each city. Please leave a comment here or email me ( and indicate if you are interested in more information only or if you would definitely like to attend. We're be more than happy to hold a spot for you!! More information regarding classes, teachers and specific cost and dates will be coming soon so please do check back often!

And, if you're a stamp manufacturer or online store that has an interest in exhibiting or sponsoring the event, contact us asap, as available slots will be limited!!

Prettie Summery Birthday Hop Wednesday

How's that for a title? LOL! Well, not only is it Prettie Wednesday, but it's a special one - it's Jana's birthday!! Happy Birthday my friend!!

So in addition to our challenge - this week from Charmaine, to create a card using a fun, summery palette of colors - we are having a Birthday Hop for Jana! If you haven't been there already, start on Christie's blog and make sure you leave Jana some birthday love at the end!

Here is my card. I used some pretty summery colors taken from the super cute Twitterpated paper from Imaginisce. And since it was a summery card I used the Sophia stamp from the Soakin' Up the Sun set from Paper Pretties - the perfect images for summer!

Now please hop on over to Charmaine's blog for the next installment of Jana's Birthday Hop! Thanks for visiting everyone!! And Jana - I hope you enjoy a wonderful day, full of laughter, love and lots of treats! :)

Cardstock: Sweet Blush, White (Papertrey Ink(, Green (Bazzill), Patterned Paper: Twitterpated (Imaginisce), Stamps: Soakin' Up The Sun (Paper Pretties), Ink: Tuxedo Black (Memento), Accessories: Ribbon (Papertrey Ink), Button (Pink Hedgehog Crafts), Nestablities, Corner Rounder Punch, Copic Markers

Apr 14, 2009


Good morning! Another one of the challenges issued at the most recent Paper Pretties' Stamping In Your Jammies party was to make a card using your clothing as inspiration (i.e. the clothes you were wearing while making the card). Fun concept! and I saw some really cute cards made by all the ladies that night . . . unfortunately my "outfit" that day was totally boring - brown pants, cream sweater . . ugh!

Oh well, it did seem like a perfect opportunity to make a masculine card using one of the newest releases - Right On Par!

I started with a great sketch from Karen Motz (another one from our sketch swap at Stamp New England) a piece of dp (from Papertrey Ink) and a cute little golf ball for the sentiment (although I must admit it was not my original idea - both Jackie and Frances had made totally adorable cards using a golf ball idea like this!).

It's hard to tell in the pic but the brads in the corner are green to match the green behind the golf ball for a pop of color! I think this would be a great card for any guy in your life - golf lover or not!

Did you see what else Paper Pretties released this month?? STORAGE!! Yippy! And it is beautiful!!! I am sooooo in love with my yummy Celery Binder - we are talking high quality, super pretty, sturdy and very useful! All my Pretties stamps are happy to have a new home, although I'm thinking I may need another one already - lol! :)

Cardstock: Vanilla (Papertrey Ink), Close to Cocoa, Chocolate Chip, Wild Wasabi (SU!), Patterned Paper: Papertrey Ink, Stamps: Right On Par (Paper Pretties), Ink: Wild Wasabi (SU!), Rich Cocoa (Memento), Accessories: Copic markers, Nestabilities, Cuttlebug embossing folder, Ribbon (Papertrey Ink), Brads (Pink Hedgehog Crafts)

Apr 13, 2009

Quick Easter Pics

Just thought I'd share a couple cute pics I snapped yesterday.

I love this one of my boys . . . Aaron was so happy to wear the cute hat and Ethan surprised us all and agreed to wear the sweater Grammy bought him (he's currently in an anti-sweater phase)!! I can't believe how bit they are both getting!! :)

Then here is the whole crew - ignore Aaron's arm, it's impossible to get 1 picture where they all are holding still!!! :)

It was a great day! Thanks for visiting! :)

KSS Monday Photo Project

Good Monday morning!! Sorry I'm a bit late today but I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. We had a busy day yesterday but very nice!

For Kitchen Sink Stamps Monday I decided to work with a set that I just love (well, truthfully, I love them ALL!) but haven't used in a while. Since I live in Maine near the coast a seashell set is perfect for me - especially if I could ever get my children's scrapbooks updated - lol! :) This set, 3 Step Seashells is so beautiful - with lots of different types and sizes of shells! Several weeks ago Lynn had challenged us to make a 4x4 refrigerator magnet and I had so much fun that I decided to make some more. I think I may make a whole set of these with the children's photos but for now, here is Ethan's.

I started with a 4x4 piece of Naturals White cardstock (SU!) and began stamping my shells from left to right, masking a bit as I went. I used some colors that you may not necessarily find in nature but still make a pretty palette. The little shelly I stamped on a scrap piece of paper, cut out and popped up for some dimension.

After I altered the color of my photo a bit I printed it, cut out with Nestabilities and added it to the magnet. As you can see I used a craft knife to cut along the edge of the shells so that I could insert the picture behind them. I really like the way it changes the look of just a plain matted photo. Finally, I added his name and the year the picture was taken using Mix It Up Monograms & Alphabet - one of my favorite alphabet sets!

Please take a few minutes and see what the other KSS Crew Members have cooked up for today and remember, there is one more week to join us playing Guest Hostess, Makiko’s KS Crew Challenge #11 … for a chance to win one of 3 prizes. 1st prize is the winner’s choice of $50 worth of Kitchen Sink Stamps. Deadline to Makiko’s challenge is April 19th midnight EST. For all the info, go HERE. - If you don’t play, you can’t win!

Maria, Lynn, Nicole, Tammy, Lori, Angela, Dee

Cardstock: Naturals White (SU!), Stamps: 3 Step Seashells, Mix It Up - Monograms & Alphabet (Kitchen Sink Stamps), Ink: Blush Blossom, Bordering Blue, Cameo Coral, Sahara Sand, Really Rust, Sage Shadow (SU!), Dark Chocolate (Papertrey Ink), Platinum Planet (Brilliance), Desert Sand, Potter's Clay (Memento), Accessories: Nestabilities, Dimensionals, Corner Rounder, Coaster, Magnet

Apr 9, 2009

My SNE Proejct & New Shape!

Today I'm finally going to share a picture of my project from Stamp New England! I can't believe it's been almost a month now since our fabulous, fun event - my how time flies!

I wanted to give everyone a chance to try something a bit different, to try altering one of the fun shapes from Say It With Letters. Sweet Deb asked me to try a few new designs for SIWL- one being a Birdhouse (which I will be sharing in it's altered form in the coming days). As I was playing around with some shapes I made an oops - but after a minute I realized it wasn't a mistake, but a cute Chubby Lil Chick that had just hatched! :) Deb and her husband were so wonderful when I emailed to see if they could whip up 37 of these chickies in a month!! (Plus they also donated some adorable products for our door prizes!).

So here is the final product, our chicks were 6". They are sold in the SIWL shop at 8" but one of the great things about SIWL is that they can do any shape for you from 6" up to 48"!!! Amazing, huh? Just email them if you need a custom size.

I had so much fun adding springy elements to this project! The paper is from My Mind's Eye (purchased at Emma's Paperie, of course!). The wing is some fabulous wool felt that I am sooo in love with now! The rub-ons are from Melissa Frances and perfect for this chickie! The crocheted flowers were made by my mom and me - all 37 of them! Thanks Mom!!

Oh and I have to give a HUGE shout out to Beacon Adhesives - the makers of Zip Dry! I emailed them and told them how I would be using their product in my class and asked if they'd possibly donate a few bottles . . . well, they emailed me back the next day and sent more than enough Zip Dry for EVERYONE attending to get their very own bottle!!! It was like Oprah - lol! Thank you so much Beacon!! Seriously, I only use Zip Dry for projects like this - it doesn't make your paper ripple or pucker, it dries super fast and it rubs right off your hands and doesn't make a huge mess! LOVE it!

I kept it pretty simple so that we would have time to finish the class but I just had to add a cute little tag in case you wanted to use this as a gift. I used the 3 Step Hey Chick set from Kitchen Sink Stamps (who also donated several great prizes for our event - thanks Maria!!!) for the egg and sentiment and just love how all the colors worked together so nicely!

Be sure to check out the other great Spring-related shapes at Say It With Letters and if you decide to give the Chubby Lil Chick a try I'd love to see it!!

Apr 8, 2009

Prettie Sketchy Wednesday

It was my turn 2 weeks ago to give the Prettie Girls a challenge and I took it easy on everyone and gave them a sketch challenge! I hope you can give it a try when you have a chance too!!

At Stamp New England last month, we made the cutest sketch book in Karen Motz's class and then we had a sketch swap so that we went home with it already started! It was wonderful! This was my sketch that I brought - pretty basic but that's my style! :) (You can click on the picture to make it larger)

I haven't used Flirty Fortunes in a while so I pulled out that great set from Paper Pretties and got to work. I was amazed at how fast I finished up this card - I am a very slow card maker and I think this one took me about 20 minutes! It was pretty easy too since I had this great American Crafts paper in mind which I think has a bit of a "Far East" feel.

I love the image of the chopsticks from the Flirty Fortunes set and, I've done this before, but I really like adding some Crystal Effects to them so they appear to be lacquered. For just one little unexpected element I added the bling heart to the fortune.

I can't wait to see what the other Pretties have done with the sketch - they are sure to amaze! I'm headed out for a full, full day but have a Prettie Wednesday everyone!

Cardstock: Soft Sky, Kiwi Kiss (SU!), White (Papertrey Ink), Patterned Paper: American Crafts, Stamps: Flirty Fortunes (Paper Pretties), Ink: Memento, Accessories: Corner rounder punch (SU!), Copic markers, Dimensionals, Crystal Effects, Crystal Heart

Apr 7, 2009

Make a Splash!

Good morning!! A brand new month means a brand new Stamp of the Month at Paper Pretties - yea!! I'm so ready for warm weather, aren't we all? This month's stamp is Make a Splash Sophia, she's just adorable don't you think?!

One of the challenges last week at the Stamping in Your Jammies release party at Paper Pretties was to make card using a fun fold. Confession time . . . I didn't actually get mine done so I made it yesterday using the Technique Challenge at SCS - it's called a Flower Pot Pocket card. Only mine is supposed to be a swimming pool - I know it's big but work with me! :) Check out the challenge on SCS - there's a link to some easy directions on how to make this fun card!

I colored my Sophia using Copics and then cut her out. I wanted to make some splash shapes to add so I ended up tracing the top of a Memento Dew Drop - the perfect shape! Once I cut out the first one I just increased the width as I cut around it to make the bigger ones.

Here's a shot of the card that pulls out of the "pool" - love the cute sentiment! Would it be perfect for a party invite? So cute!

You have all this month of April to sign up for the Stamp of the Month Club in order to get this stamp before it's public release. If you GO HERE, you can view all the past Stamps of the Month (which are now available HERE). What a fun little treat each month to get a cute stamp in the mail!

Have a wonderful day my friends!

Cardstock: Cool Caribbean, WW, Not Quite Navy (SU!), Stamps: Make a Splash, Sassy Circles (Paper Pretties), Ink: Memento, Versamark Accessories: ribbon (American Crafts), Crimper (Fiskars), Clear Embossing Powder, Dimensionals, Copic markers

I Currently Design For . . .

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Moxie Fab Winner

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