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Mar 14, 2007

Birthday Blog Candy

Since I've been blogging I've noticed that people will use just about any excuse to give away some blog treats! I think it is so wonderful how generous people are, bloggers are the best! and stamping bloggers are the bestest!! :) So, I decided that since Monday is my birthday I would give away some birthday blog candy!

Yesterday, after my doctor's appointment - which by the way wasn't as bad as I had anticipated . . . I actually saw the OB that I love and she and I had a great conversation about VBAC vs. C-section (I've done both and will have a c-section again this time). She has 1 child, by c-section and is "polling" her patients to see what they prefer. (phew that was a long aside!) - I stopped into a LSS which I hardly ever go to. It's mostly scrapbooking stuff and I just don't get over there much. Anyway, they had these great Chatterbox Doodle Genie kits. The woman told me that her customers have been saying they are very hard to come by. She was just unpacking the boxes so I got first pick. I picked up one for me and of course, one for my Birthday blog candy. These look really interesting to me, especially since I don't have an artistic bone in my body (Monday's SCS challenge cemented that in my mind - I don't dare even post my attempt!)

There is also a pack of Pentel pens to make some fabulous beaded pens and a 4-pack of mini composition notebooks just screaming to be altered. Here's one from my gallery that I did a couple of years ago, then remember I made the denim covered one last week for a SCS challenge. I've used a ton of these, I use them for little gifts, for workshops, for prizes . . . they are so fun to create!

So, to enter the contest leave me a comment on this post . . . let's make this interesting, answer my OB's question . . . C-section or VBAC (or just v-birth)?? IMHO, since I've done both, I prefer the c-section, the 2nd time was a much faster recovery than the first and it just seemed to be a much easier set of "pains" to get over!! :) If I get over 100 comments I'll add some more goodies to the pot so let your friends, neighbors, relatives, readers, customers know about this. I'll leave it open until Monday, the 19th on my birthday! All you readers who have never left a comment . . . now's your chance, push that "Comment" button! :)


  1. Hey Julie! Thanks for the sweet comment and for visiting my blog! I really appreciate it! I LOVE your blog by the way! And to answer your question. . .definitely c-section! Of course, I've only ever done it that way. Both were quick recoveries, but the 2nd was faster. I've just heard too many labor horror stories to even entertain the thought of a v-bac! :)

  2. Now this is the most interesting question I have seen polled for candy...ha! I only know about v-birth but since I generally sneeze and the kid falls out, it's not a big deal. I want to do what Britney did and get the C-tuck (C-section and tummy tuck) about saving yourself some work!

  3. Well, I've only delivered one child and she was by v-birth. I've always felt a little "sense of accomplishment" that I was able to deliver this way (it was a loooong one). Anyways, interesting question. Had I delivered her via c-section and had I had a 2nd child, I would have chosen a 2nd c-section, like Charmaine - I'e heard alot of horror stories about v-bacs.

  4. Well, I've never had a C-section. I did a V-birth with no epidural (NOT recommended) and then had twins (1 hour and 15 min. appart) with an epidural (MUCH easier). I always tell people I'd have twins with and epidural before I'd have one without!

  5. Hi Julie! This is a great question for blog candy! :-) Well...can't comment on a c-section since I had two babies v-birth but drugged up...oh yeah, I loved the epidural! Half way through the first labor I said, "just cut him out!" But I'm glad I was able to hang in there until the end. I've always heard more difficult c-section stories, espeically with the recovery. Recovery, at least for me, from v-birth was a piece of cake. Way better than I expected. But if I did have one c-section, I probably would have opted for a second one. (And I'm with Allison, throw in the tummy tuck!)

  6. I only have 1 and it was by v-birth. It was such an amazing feeling after the fact...but like someone else said...the C-Section then tummy tuck would be the way to go ;-)

  7. This certainly is an interesting question. I've had 3 children via v-births. Two of the three were turned after discovering they were 'sunny side up', which made the deliveries last much longer than they needed to. However, my sister had a v-bac after a breech c-section...her comment, "Why would anyone want a c-section?" Each 'recovery' for me has been better than the last. After three kids, I sure wouldn't mind the c-section/tummy tuck route though!

  8. First Happy Almost Birthday to You!
    I would definitely go with a c-section.

  9. Unfortunately when I had my son 21 yrs ago (March 19th), I didn't have a choice and was scheduled for a c-section on the 25th. I was caught totally by surprised when my water broke early. I still had the c-section but did get to experience the labor, etc. (This was my first & only and I wanted to experience it all). Unfortunately at that time (small town hospital) I wasn't able to stay awake for it and was put out. I still regret that part of it. The most important experience in my life and I was so out of it that I didn't even enjoy my baby until the next day. The surgery was nothing and I would have done it again if I could have had more. I didn't care how the baby came out as long as I could have my "miracle" baby.
    Good luck on your upcoming c-section.

  10. All three of mine were good old fashioned vaginal births. I insisted for months that I didn't want a Csection with #1. It was a long labor. After 3 hours of pushing, the nurse was getting out the knives and what not for a Csection. But, my son came out with the help of the doctor and forecepts. Yeah! No C-section for me!

  11. All three of mine were good old fashioned vaginal births. I insisted for months that I didn't want a Csection with #1. It was a long labor. After 3 hours of pushing, the nurse was getting out the knives and what not for a Csection. But, my son came out with the help of the doctor and forecepts. Yeah! No C-section for me!

  12. Well I have had 2 boys and both by V-birth the first was 12 hours ...and my second son was almost 2 hours ,No epidural for both .It was hard but so worth it .IF you had prob b4 I would go for C-section . ITs faster and safer for you both !!!! GOOD LUCK and please let us know what you decide.Thanks so much for the chance at this awsome blog candy.

  13. Hi Julie! Happy almost Birthday! My husband and I don't have any children yet, but want to start a family next year.. so this info is very helpful! Your blog is great btw! TFS!

  14. Happy Birthday! Great blog candy. I've been looking for the chatterbox doodle template! Sorry but I can't give you any advice on the question you've asked as I don't have any children. My suggestion would be to go with the advice of your doctor! All the best in whatver you choose.

  15. My first was a planned section, the next was v-bac with drugs, and the last two were v-bac without drugs. V-bac for me!

  16. Great candy and Happy Early Birthday Julie!! I only have one child and it was vbirth with no drugs. I used hypno therapy to get me through it and it went very fast and I had a quick recovery. However I had to recover quickly because we moved out of our house and back to texas (from NY) 3 days later.

  17. Hi Julie! Happy early b-day. I've had one c-section (triplets, so I wasn't allowed to try v-birth), but I would definitely like to try VBAC if given the opportunity. It would depend on how close the births are for me.

    ~Amy H.

  18. I too have done both... and I much preferred the VBAC. So much easier to heal. I could lift my child and take care of myself.

    Not a big fan of stitches "down there" but it was over and done with so much more quickly than the C Section!

  19. This is funny. I have had both. First one was V-birth. Second was breach. They did an inversion to try and turn her, but no luck(cord was wrapped around her neck and down around her leg). So they did a somewhat emergency c-section. If I had to do it all again...I would definately go for the v-birth. And even though the inversion was EXTREEMELY painful, I would do it again if it meant a v-birth over a c-section. But that's just me. ;0)

  20. My DD was an emergency C-section and the two DS were scheduled. I would do C-section again. recovery is much better the second and third time around.

  21. great question!!!
    my first was an emerg. c-section, they had to do a T-incision, therefore I was not allowed to labour again for future babies (I had been induced 3 times for him, only the 3rd time "took"... we were in the hospital 3 nights before he was even born). The next 2 kids were scheduled c's and I am all about the surgeries! Since it was a guarnteed c, and the prego part with #1 was easy, our #2 was born exactly 11 1/2 months after #1. #3 came 2 1/2 years after that. There will be another one someday... but not in the next 9 months or anything! My Dr. has not given me a "limit" on how many kids I can have... but my dh has!!!! 4 is max :)

  22. Ooooh yummy scrummy, I am loving the look of that Chatterbox Doodle Genie, really like the idea of trying something like that, what a fabulous idea Julie

    PS love your feelabella she is just lovely isn't she

  23. V-birth The older we get the harder it is to recover.

  24. Since I had all 3 of mine VBAC, I will have to go with that. I am not a big fan of surgery of any kind and my labors were relatively short and easy (or so it seems now, 20-some years later!).

  25. Well I had both of mine V, the second one came so fast they didn't have time to give me an epidural! I had no recovery time in either case, I guess I am lucky. I will check back and see what the totals are!

  26. Okay, Julie, you know I hsd to answer this question. I have had 3 c-sectons and 2v-backs, one v-back was for twins, and that was my easiest delivery. I would say a v-birth just because of the recovery. Each recovery for the c-sections was harder than the last. Love the idea of tummy tuck with c-section- should have done it!! I'm glad that I will not be doing either ever again!!

  27. Hi again Julie! I meant to wish you a happy birthday, so "Happy Birthday to you." It's very nice of you to give out gifts on your day. By the way, your blog is great. I haven't found a scrapbooking one I enjoy as much yet, but still looking!!

  28. Thanks for an interesting question, Julie. Ok, having no experience with v-birth, I'd have to highly recommend the C-section. I've had three C-sections with epidurals. From a planning point of view, I knew exactly within 15 minutes when my children would be born. I'm not a patient person, so this was a bonus for me. Also, the recovery time (6 weeks) not to lift anything heavy (like laundry) was a definite plus in my life. Cheers, Kim

  29. I am 7.5 months with my first reading everyone's comments was very informative...I will have to let you know after I deliver what i prefer...I have a feeling it will be whatever I don't have b/c I am sure whatever I have will not be great!! WISH ME LUCK!!!


  30. my kids fall out too Allison and one was just shy of 9 pounds. I do wish tho that after extensive abdominal surgery in my early 40's that I had thought about it and has a tummy tuck too. what few intact muscles I had, and now in shambles and it only gets worse with age and no amount of sit ups will help. and now we need all our money to retire and pay for health insurance, so cant do it now.

  31. My only easy pregnancy lasted one year and she was carried into my arms by a social worker at the tender age of 6 days old. It took that long for her adoption back in 1966. My other two daughters arrived by v-birth; My first daughter's birth was the easiest one of the three. LOL

  32. I have done the v-birth twice. Have no help as far C-section. "Way Back" when mine were born, you were in the hospital for at least a week with a C-sectin! Giving age away here! I am now called "Grandma" Thanks for the chance at the blog candy!
    Ilene B

  33. I have done the v-birth twice. Have no help as far C-section. "Way Back" when mine were born, you were in the hospital for at least a week with a C-sectin! Giving age away here! I am now called "Grandma" Thanks for the chance at the blog candy!
    Ilene B

  34. Ewwwwwwww!! Yummy candy missy!! I only have one daughter (who will be 15 in less than two weeks...yikes!) and she came the natural way. She was however, 'sunny-side up' and facing up instead of down so her little nose was stuck on my pubic bone. I almost had to have a c but they were able to pull her out with forceps. Poor little thing looked like she'd been in a fight, all bruised up!! We called her Sugar Ray for the first two weeks!! Hahaha!

  35. Hi Julie,
    So, if I ever managed to have a 2nd child, I'm hoping to go V-BAC because I had really wanted an all-natural birth for my daughter, but was unable to when she was born at 26.5 weeks via emergency C-section. But...who knows!

    Great candy!! :-)


  36. Interesting question. I had 3 vaginal births before my last one, which was an emergency c-section. I also had a tubal at that time so no more babies for me, but wow the recovery from the c-section was so much harder then my vaginal births, so I would say vbac would be how I would go if I did it again.

  37. Happy Birthday Julie:)

    Guess what?

    My birthday is the same day as yours, March 19th:) We are both Pieces born on St. Joseph's Birthday.

    As far as your question, I delivered both my children VBAC so I don't know what it feels like to have a c-section although both deliveries required an episotomy. So it would depend what part of your body you want to recover from the stitches from, your belly c-section or down below episotomy.

    Either way, good luck, I'm sure you'll choose what is best for you:)

  38. What an interesting comment for BLOG Candy! My only child was delivered VBAC though it was 15 hours of labor, and I did ask for a C-section half way through it and I was told it was too late. I can't really say if and when I am ready to have the second one, what I would prefer. Though I did tear when my daughter was born and that took a very long time to heal from! Good luck with your delivery! Jenny Wrona

  39. Hi Julie : I have only 1 baby and she is 14 now WOWZIE .. I did the V birth and it was a BIG party in my room.. JK
    good luck and Happy Birthday girlie .
    Dawn Griffith

  40. OK, I think my first comment did not go through. My two were v-births, but three of my grandchildren were c-section and my DIL swears by that. Good luck with that and have a happy birthday.

  41. I have 3 and all of them were the smoothest vaginal births possible I think. Labor for 5 1/2 hours with first, pushed 45 minutes, 3 stitches. Second was 5 hours, 5 minutes pushing, 2 stitches. Last was 4 hours, 30 seconds pushing, and zero stitches. I was also walking like normal the next day out of the hospital with the last two. If c-section was an option I would only want it to be the very last. But I know that sometimes things are necessary for the health of mommy and baby and I am all for that. I do have one complaint about v-birth though (and it might just be me) but every period I ache down there like I just gave birth yesterday. Sorry if that's TMI! Thanks for the chance at the candy Julie!

  42. Well, I've had neither one so I have no idea! LOL! But IF I were in a position, I THINK I'd pick V-birth. My mom whipped us all out within 30 minutes (maybe an hour)if I remember the stories correctly, so I'd HOPE I'd take after her in this one area. :)

  43. I'd have to go with V-birth. Both of my kids (even my 27 1/2 weeker) were born v-birth.

  44. I am still learning about blogs.
    Wish I had a magical Jennie that would help me set mine up. I do love your site and have come often.
    Anyhow, wanted to wish you a happy birthday.....
    To answer your question. C-section, I have had two and recovery time is so much faster now.


  45. Vaginal...I have had three and they have been easier each time, with the last one slipping out with out pushing...a wee bit surprising...however I would not refuse c-sec if the need arose! I think it is amazing that medical science has made the 100% live birth rate an expectation given the trauma experienced by both mother and baby. to think 50 years ago it was such a mystery and much more risk.

  46. Happy early Birthday!
    I think since you had both and you prefer C-section, then c-section it is! I've never had children but this post and all your readers replies are very helpful for making a decision in the *hopefully* near future ;)

  47. Both of my children were delivered by C-section. My first daughter was in distress and they moved me to surgery. I chose C-section for my second daughter. I never experienced V-birth until my daughter had her children and I was there with her. What an amazing event! I'm glad it wasn't me!! hehe

  48. Hey Julie! My son was a last minute C-section..very scary for me. If I had to do it over though I would plan to have a c-section. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  49. Interesting poll.....not sure I want to read everyone's birth stories this morning...! I will say I had 4 babies "all natural" and it worked for me.

    dini on SCS

  50. Happy Birthday Julie!

    I just found your blog and I will be a regular. I always love to find another SU demo, cause then I just might have the supplies to try and make what you display :)

    I have never had kids, so I don't have a clue about your OB question,
    but I wanted to post a comment for you. Hope you reach 100! (comments, that is)

    Pat S.

  51. I had 4 c-sections ~ with my first I was in labor for 36 hours and only dilated to 3, they FINALLY gave up and operated. The rest of them were planned c-sections, and honestly although the first recovery was hard, it got easier and easier! I was in for a week with my first and only 3 days after the second!

    I have no regrets about not having a v-birth, I think I would have just hated an episiotomy!

  52. Hi Julie! My first c-section was with my son. My water broke at 37 weeks and he was sideways. I hadn't really thought about having a c-section and didn't have time to really freak out about it, either. I got to the hospital around 7:30 p.m. and he was born at 9:00 p.m. With my second pregnancy, I was on blood thinners for a clotting disorder. My ob told me v-bac wasn't an option, so I knew all along I'd have another c-section. The recovery from the first was easier from the second. After having been in the delivery room with my sister when she had a v-birth, I'm not sorry I had to have c-sections!! Thanks for the opportunity for the blog candy!

  53. Hi Julie, Happy Birthday to you! I wish I could give you some advice, but my husband and I have not started a family yet. But, if I had to choose I would probably go for the less painful one, if there is such a choice! Good luck to you!

  54. lol...I love this idea! Okay I've had two children*one 9 months ago* both were v'birth. SO I can't really say what I'd prefer since I've never had a c-section. One of my friends who has two children requested to have a c section. So what I've heard is that a c section isn't that bad after all, I'd be terrified though! Considering I had an epideral and if I ever have any more I"m hoping that it will be a v'birth again and I'll have an epidural again!!! lol... :) thanks for sharing!

    ~Chantale L~

  55. Oh sigh. Just wrote a giant comment and then my computer timed out. Sooo here goes again! ;-)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and entering my contest. It was great to see a face and name I recognized from SCS!

    How sweet of you to offer blog candy on YOUR birthday! Happy Birthday to you!

    As far as your question goes, I've had two v-births. However, to all my friends who have had a section and had to make the choice, I've said the following "You can get a pedi the day before and be all ready, and you have the benefit of making a plan for what to do with your other children that day." It was so stressfull for me to have so many contingency plans for what to do with my first depending on if it was a weekday, weekend or middle of the night when I'd go into labor!

    On another note, can you PM me your addy so I can send you a bellariffic birthday card? SCS name is basilefamily


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