Book Review: Bringing Lucy Home
Good morning! I'm back with one more book review - this one more specific to adoption! The author of Bringing Lucy Home, Jennifer Phillips brought home her daughter Lucy from China last year using the same adoption agency that we are using! Here's my review:
Bringing Lucy Home tells of an adoptive family's unexpected separation and how God used these events in their lives to write a moving story of love, family, trust and healing. Since my family is currently in the adoption process I can somewhat relate to the events that led up to this family's heart-wrenching separation, but I could never imagine the difficult and emotional journey they ended up taking!
Due to circumstances no one could have foretold, Ms. Phillips and her newly adopted daughter Lucy were separated from her husband and 3 other children in Australia as she waited in American for Lucy's visa. You can feel the heartache and longing of this family as they wait week after week for THE news that will allow them to be together again. I love the honesty and openness as the author recounts each turn of events, each glimmer of hope, each devastating "no" given. At the heart of it all is a beautiful picture of God's relentless love for His children!! It was very moving to read how the author recognizes the hand of God working in their difficult situation to bring comfort, love, and even change into their hearts and lives. No one would wish to go through a hardship like this, but to see how God works all things for His glory and their good is an amazing and encouraging thing!!
Ms. Phillips has a wonderfully engaging sense of humor and writing style which makes reading this book especially delightful! You really will laugh, cry and be fully engaged with this charming book! I wholeheartedly recommend this book!Today is the one year anniversary of the day we received our approval from LifeLine to proceed with our adoption!! God has done so many wonderful things in that one year and we are looking forward to holding our daughter soon!! :)

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